Music Drop Box

This little area is a work in progress. Idealy I'd like to add my playlists on here for people to download and share but I have to figure it out. This will probably entail learning some code (def took that class credit no credit in college) so it may take a while. So please allow me some time to nerd out and research. So in the meantime I will just add links to my lists.

This is my wonderful sister's drop box account. Download some of her musical goodies here.

A Little Left of Center.
Jack Daniels w/ a Twist.
Spanish Moss & Mint Juleps
Inspired by a few concerts as of late...
Who is your brightest diamond?
So I like the Kooks. Whats new.
I was promised jetpacks. PHEW.
Remember November. 2011.

Some are legit playlists of songs/bands that I absolutely love others are just random artists that I am currently digging but can't decide which songs. So I kept all.