"Starting in 2010, "The Classroom Sessions" has been an opportunity for Lawrence High School film/media students to meet professional artists and talk art (film, music, etc.), storytelling and creativity in a classroom setting. The "Classroom Sessions" are also an opportunity for students to get "hands-on" experience in live film making. The sessions are filmed and edited by the students of Room 125 Productions."
This high school is a college town in the heart of Lawrence.KS and home to the Jayhawks. I am not surprised that this opportunity for kids is coming out of 'larry' (as we like to call it). The town is very eclectic and music savvy. There are tons of amazing minds in that little area west of Kansas City. I did grow up in Austin which is also very much like Larry but never was exposed to something of this magnitude. The only thing we had to match this was something we called Dylan Day. Yes, we had a whole day were students sang and performed Bob Dylan songs in our auditorium. We could skip class/lunch (ahem if you had the 'cool teachers' ) if we wanted too and jam out the entire day. While that was cool and all, it doesn't compete with this. Check out their site. It is something very special and I fully support.
Every High School in American should do this.
The Head and the Heart
Bryan John Applyby
Drew Grow & the Pastor's Wives
...those are a few of them...
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